Let’s talk about the genuineness
A different article than usual this time. This is because I have just realized that we don’t talk often about what we mean by genuineness.
Most of the time we give it for granted that everybody just realizes when they are dealing with genuineness. However, I don’t agree with this point of view.
Well, I want to talk about genuine products because of course this is one of the core values of our brand and what we like and admire in the majority of our Saporalia products.
How we guarantee the authenticity
Genuine products for Saporalia mean that:
- We respect the natural cycle of the earth to produce them;
- We act in full respect of Mother Nature. We respect the times and stages of cultivation, both in terms of harvesting and processing;
- No Preservatives and No Pectin. We do not rely on added preservatives and pectin to transform our products, but we present them in a genuine and authentic way.
- We rely on tradition. Our artisans inherited the method, the family tradition, the research, and above all the passion from our ancestors.
- We bring to the table the flavors of the past, enriched by the experience of our laboratories. We aim to send you products that talk about Nature, whose taste is as if they were just picked.
- All our laboratories cultivate and transform in one place. Products are always collected, processed, and stored in the same place
- Craftsmanship and genuineness. We only deal with artisans of the earth and we want to treat its fruits in the best way
Saporalia means all of this
Why is all of this important for you and your clients
Preserving nature and the authenticity of its products is a guarantee of the highest quality possible of the products that we are offering you and your Customers. The unique flavors of our truffles, appetizers, cheese,… it is all-natural, nothing more is added. So, your Customers are eating something tasty but also good for their health.