About Vegan Parmesan

As you may know, we have a wide assortment of cheese, Pecorino, Ricotta, Parmesan…these are just some examples.

However, veganism is a new trend that’s taking the world by storm and in our laboratory, we’ve decided to not renounce the pleasure of cheese, in particular parmesan. Vegans are often deprived of this traditional taste because it’s often hard to find vegan products in supermarkets.

We wanted to change this and with our product, it isn’t a problem anymore!

We have made vegan parmesan by replicating the real parmesan’s flavor, even without any milk at all. This product is perfect for those who follow a vegan diet, those who want to start being vegan, but also for people who are allergic to milk proteins or lactose intolerant.

Saporalia vegan parmesan

Why eat Vegan Parmesan

Let’s have a look at some reasons to eat Vegan Parmesan:

  • It is lactose-free, so you don’t have to worry if you are allergic or intolerant to milk;
  • It contains less fat than Parmesan, so it is a good option if you are on a low-fat diet;
  • It has less sodium than Parmesan because they are produced in completely different ways.

You can add Vegan Parmesan to every Pasta sauce, and salad, you can eat it as an appetizer…you have endless options! In any case, you know that you are eating something that is good for your health and for your mood.

Vegan appetizer Saporalia

Don’t miss this new product

Well, I think your Customers would be happy to be provided with a product that allows them to cook plant-based dishes without renouncing the unmistakable taste of Parmesan 😊


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