Our Balsamic Vinegar of Modena in solid form that can be grated and sliced

We have maintained the PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) because to solidify it we used a totally natural seaweed and therefore the Consortium of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena DOP allows us to call it exactly that, because in fact it is precisely this product even if it is no longer in liquid form as we have known it for centuries, but in a totally innovative format.

What are its main features?

  • Its taste has sour and sweet notes;
  • It can be melted and then reshaped it into something else, into any shape;
  • It can be turned into powder and crystallised;
  • It goes perfectly with cheese, meat, pasta, risotto, desserts, fruits.

Moreover, it is an original product and 100% guaranteed by a DOP recognized by a worldwide consortium. It is a product that won our company the gold medal for innovation at the recent fair in Dubai (Arab Emirates) called the Gulf Food Award.

Discover how to use it:

Toasted bread with Ricotta, herbs and Vivante

Risotto with Saffron
and Vivante

Carpaccio, slices of Parmesan, Rocket and Vivante


Our Pink Solid Balsamic Vinegar of Modena

Vivante that can be grated and sliced and Vivante Rosa is like Vivante…but pink! A culinary marvel that transcends traditional balsamic vinegar.

Vivante Rosa is more than just a pretty color. It’s a sensory delight with its:

  • Beautiful Color: Crafted from highly selected grapes, Vivante Rosa boasts a 100% natural, enchanting pink hue.
  • Captivating Aroma: A decidedly fruity and aromatic profile, featuring delicate peach undertones.
  • Irresistible Taste: An agrodolce masterpiece with a long-lasting fruity flavor that dances on your palate.

It has recently won the Golden Medal at the Mediterranean Taste Awards 2024 for Innovation.


Discover how to use it:

Rice salad with zucchini, corn, feta and sliced Vivante Rosa

Carpaccio with rocket, avocado, Grana Padano and sliced Vivante Rosa

Vanilla ice-cream with mixed berries and Vivante Rosa

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